Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Analogies 56 - 60


(A) dispassionate:equanimity
(B) macabre:interest
(C) perfidious:loyalty
(D) brilliant:gullibility
(E) lavish:extravagance


(A) credulous:amiable
(B) desiccated:moist
(C) formidable:dark
(D) derelict:neglectful
(E) opaque:milky


(A) immunize:resist
(B) nourish:enrich
(C) heat:burn
(D) graft:multiply
(E) prune:dwarf


(A) sign:affidavit
(B) endure:trial
(C) idolize:celebrity
(D) espouse:idea
(E) devise:plan


(A) victory:competition
(B) sprint:finish
(C) filibuster:speech
(D) novel:author
(E) deposition:question

Answers --

56). Best ans is C -- X lacks Y
Exhorbitant will lack moderation, and perfidious will lack loyalty.

57). Correct - Ans is B -- Something that is described as X cannot be Y. Something that is "articulate" is "clear" and "distinct," whereas something that is "murky" is "unclear" or "vague." To answer this question, look for an answer choice that contains two words that are antonyms.
The adjective "desiccated" is used to describe something that has "dried up from a lack of moisture," which is the opposite of "moist," so answer choice B is correct.
Someone who is "credulous," or "naive" and "easy to deceive," may or may not be "amiable," or "friendly," so answer choice A is incorrect. Answer choices C, D, and E are incorrect because they each contain two words that are similar in meaning.

58). A is the best choice -- X helps to Y.
As fertilize is to help to grow, so immunize is strength to resist.

59). D is the best choice -- People X a Y that is being considered for something if they support it.
People often "endorse," or "give support to," a "candidate" who is being "considered for" something."Espouse" is a synonym of "endorse"; therefore, answer choice D is correct because people will "espouse" an "idea" that they support. To "endorse" can also mean "to sign," but people "sign" an "affidavit" to "swear" that something is true, so answer choice A is incorrect. To "endure" means "to put up with" or "suffer through," not "support," so answer choice B is incorrect. Although people may "idolize" a "celebrity," a "celebrity" is not a person or cause that is being "considered for" something, so answer choice C is incorrect. People may "devise" a "plan," but to "devise" does not mean to "support," so answer choice E is incorrect.

60). Best ans is C -- X is a longer version of a Y.
A "marathon" is a "long-distance race.A "filibuster" is a "lengthy speech," or a longer version of a "speech." A "victory" is a possible outcome of a "competition," but not a longer version of a "competition," so answer choice A is incorrect. Someone may "sprint" to "finish," but "sprint" is not a type of "finish," so answer choice B is incorrect. A "novel" is a "lengthy narrative," but not a type of "author," so answer choice D is incorrect. A "deposition" includes several questions (plural), but is not a lengthy "question," so answer choice E is incorrect.